Just when you think you have it all figured out, changes happen. That seems to be the way both domestic and international travel is playing out right now. It most certainly seems like a jigsaw puzzle that has to be put back together again and it can be very frustrating and intimidating!
There’s much more involved now then just booking a vacation, getting on a plane and going! It’s so much more likely that you will encounter some difficulty when traveling. When changes happen, I’ll be there to help take care of the consequences.
That’s why its more important than ever to confirm your vacation with a travel professional. I’m keeping up to date with all the restrictions, regulations and protocols that are now demanded of us as we consider traveling once again.
Not only do I pull from my personal experiences, but I also have a vast community of other professional Travel Advisors that I can turn to. Adding to that, I also love hearing from my clients who are traveling at this time. They share invaluable information with me as well. I do store a wealth of information that I am more than happy to share with you!
For those of you who love to cruise, a lot has changed. Along with a trip to Vegas and the Grand Canyon, I recently experienced a “Simulation Cruise” onboard the amped up Navigator of the Seas, and my thanks goes out to Royal Caribbean for that amazing opportunity. I’m a seasoned cruiser but what I thought I knew, I didn’t! I had to adjust by throwing out the playbook that I had been using in the past and go with a new one forced onto me due to changes because of the world-wide pandemic. If you are thinking about cruising again – talk to me and I’ll share my experiences with you!
Flexibility and patience are definitely needed in these new travel realities.
We are now forced into navigating through COVID-19 testing requirements, country-specific requirements, mask mandates, earlier arrivals and angry, frustrated travelers.
We now have to show country specific Federal Vaccines passports, and in some circumstances a negative COVID tests where timing is EVERYTHING. We have to arrive at the airport much earlier than we did in the past and screening is much more involved than it ever was. We have to download travel plans into apps, which is very challenging for those who don’t have cell phones. We are truly becoming an electronic world when it comes to our new travel world.
We have to be prepared to be “stuck” in another country if we test positive, so insurance is an even more vital, integral part of travel. You should never travel without it. We have to be prepared for last minute flight cancellations, leaving us feeling helpless and angry. We are worried that our airline, hotel, and activities won’t be “sanitized “and we won’t be properly “spaced”.
It’s OK to not be ready to travel just yet, there is still a lot of uncertainty and nervousness.
So, why do we want to go through all that is demanded of us now? Why do we have vaccine passports, covid testing and apps that we have never used before? Why do we arrive at airports hours before our flights and put up with angry and frustrated passengers?
Perhaps because it truly is a beautiful world, and we really want to experience it once again! Travel enriches us, challenges us, relaxes and rejuvenates us. Each and every destination we encounter has it own identity and we become enriched because we have visited there.
When you are ready, I’ll be here providing you with the personal touch, with the one-on-one professional individual consultation that you deserve, and if you need me, I’ll be there to help navigate through whatever circumstances may arise.
It’s a beautiful world, let me help you experience it!
Let’s make your travel dreams a reality and complete your Wishbook today!